Sydney Delgado kicks far and she kicks hard, but she doesn’t have to practice, she said, because she was just born to play.

Athlete of the Week

“My family is a soccer family,” she said.

Delgado, 7, plays for the Coral Crush soccer team. It’s a name Delgado said she came up with because their team shirts are a nice pinkish-orange shade. Plus, they kind of look like wetsuits.

The Crush is a team of second graders, but don’t let their age fool you—they can play with the best of them. Especially Delgado.

“She runs her little heart out, and she scores goals almost every game,” said Delgado’s mother, Kristi Jacobson.

Delgado likes to score, but she’s also a team player.

“I kick really hard, so sometimes when I kick it, the ball goes close to the goal and one of my teammates kicks it in,” she said.

Delgado does have an advantage those others players might not, besides her ferocious kick. Delgado is left-handed and can kick and dribble equally well with either foot, according to her mom.

“She’s a leftie, but she uses both feet,” Jacobson said. “Most kids her age can only use one.”

Being ambidextrous could come in handy if Delgado gets her way and starts playing baseball next. Right now, she’s only playing soccer, but Delgado said that baseball is something she wants to try.

“I just like to have fun and play a lot,” she explained.

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