Santa Maria Sun

American reality is better than Trump claims

Oct 3, 2024 5:00 AM

Donald Trump likes to portray the U.S. economy as being on life support as he attempts to claim only he can save us from economic, social, and political calamity. He does the same regarding immigration. He convinced his Republican faithful in Congress to not pass a bipartisan bill, which would have significantly reduced the flow of illegal immigrants and provided additional needed resources for border patrol, all so he could step in as the next president and appear like the anti-immigration savior, rescuing us from what he perceives as the wrongdoings of the Biden-Harris administration. He cared more about taking the credit himself later than doing what would have been right for our country then. However, in spite of the failure of that legislation to pass, illegal immigration is still at the lowest level since 2020.

According to numerous reliable news sources, our economy is steadily improving, although not as much as some people would like. The unemployment rate is 3.5 percent, a 50-year low. The 30-year fixed mortgage rate is almost 6 percent. Since before the pandemic wages are up, disposable income is up, and personal wealth is up. Inflation has reduced from a high of 8 percent to the present rate of 2.9 percent. People, when asked about how they are doing economically, claim “pretty good.” But when asked about the economy, they state “terrible,” maybe suggesting they were responding more to the propaganda than the reality. Personal spending has increased, stock values are up, new business starts have increased, and, subsequent to the global COVID pandemic, the U.S. economy is recovering and inflation is declining faster than most other countries. 

Experts also acknowledge the price of groceries remains relatively high. However, Kamala Harris vows to take grocers on as, out of greed, they artificially keep prices high while unnecessarily burdening consumers.

Forty-million borrowers have benefited by having their student debt eliminated or drastically reduced. We have all benefited by the federal government pouring billions of dollars into improving roads, bridges, seaports, airports, public transit systems, railways, expanding high-speed internet networks, and improving public water systems by removing lead pipes, providing more clean drinking water, and ensuring better health for millions of our citizens, all by virtue of the Biden-Harris administration.

These are only a sample of the gains made during the Biden-Harris administration, and I invite readers to explore other gains made and vows by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz to advocate for and introduce legislation to implement responsible gun ownership, reproductive rights, combat climate change, implement criminal justice and health care reform, and more.

Donald Trump will promise anything to obtain votes but rarely follows up on promises made. For example, where are his tax returns he promised to provide during his first campaign for president? He tells one lie after another and accuses his challengers of the same character flaws, which he himself displays. In psychological circles this is termed “projection,” of which he is a master. If he is reelected, we will all lose personally and nationally, and maybe his supporters will realize they have been hoodwinked, but unfortunately it will be too late.

Please vote responsibly!

Dominick Lacovara
Los Osos