Here we were, senior citizens doing our volunteer duty, sitting the first session of the Santa Maria Republican Club booth at the recent county fair as we have for the past 10 years. All around us were other booths for the NRA, wheel chairs, books and puffy dolls, jewelry, cosmetics, bonsai plants, the CHP, etc.

People were flowing around these, talking, looking, buying, and everything was cool. The NRA was really busy selling chances on their collection of guns. Dozens of couples came through with baby buggies and kids in hand. The Republican booth, with its poster of President Trump, was signing up voters, new and old.

But, way over on the other side of the building, almost out of sight, was the Democratic Party booth. At some point, a senior female member of that booth was motivated to come over and see "what was going on and get acquainted." Well, after the hello, fuming comments about the person in the poster began flowing. But a nice retort could not suffice, so a reminder of the foibles of the past president for eight years sent the person quickly mumbling away back across the foggy hall.

The nasty comments are another example of the deranged mentality of the liberal left. Some of those appeared in your last opinion pages by Scott Fina ("Cave rescue in Thailand was no 'miracle,'" July 19) and Libby Breen ("We knew about Trump," July 19) and Tom Tomorrow's cartoon about Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation. Fina had a good article about the Thai rescue until the last paragraph.

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