In this time when there has been so much going on with schools, I felt compelled to write a letter in support of someone who I know personally and someone who is currently serving on the Santa Barbara County board of trustees—Judy Frost. Judy has spent the past four years representing trustee area 5. She understands the role of the County Office of Education as they support 21 school districts in this county.

Her goal is to work collaboratively with other board members in order to improve services and educational outcomes for all students in Santa Barbara County. It is imperative that we allow an experienced and dedicated person like Judy to continue to help build the future of our county.

Judy has a great deal of experience as a volunteer in arts and education. She has a background in finance and understands the need to evaluate every aspect of the support that the county provides to each district. She is willing to explore new innovations and methods to engage students so that they can be successful. She has the heart and passion to continue to be effective on the Santa Barbara County board of trustees.

Please vote for Judy Frost to ensure positive outcomes for every student!

Linda Cordero
Santa Maria

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