No president should be above the law

What, if anything, can be done to avert the coming disaster of living in a country where our president is “above the law”? Where criminal violations of the oath of office are ignored? Where Supreme Court of the United States candidates can lie under oath to the Senate selection committee and, once confirmed, render baseless decisions without repercussions? Where an adjudicated rapist and convicted felon can run for president after stealing classified documents, denying the results of an election, and proposing to all who will listen what crimes he intends to commit if reelected?

Seeing this rapidly approaching train of disaster, it is time to act—even if that just means stepping off the tracks! I had hoped to spend the remaining years of my retirement in peace and tranquility in my native state.

Freedom loving Americans must do something to stop MAGA’s takeover of our country. It is time for Democrats and independents to stop “playing nice.” The threat is real. The enemy is among us. If President Biden can’t find the chutzpah to use the new powers given to him by the recent SCOTUS immunity decision to detain Trump and his MAGA lieutenants at Gitmo, perhaps Vice President Harris and the cabinet can invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Biden so she can take action to defend us against the “domestic enemies” of our republic! Anyone who opposes her actions could just take her to court ... after she stacks it. 

Sic semper tyrannis!

Stephen Siemsen

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