The propensity of the Sun Opinion page to publish outlandish, anti-Trump letters is again displayed in the recent one entitled "Misdeeds in La-La Land" (Aug. 9) by the "reknowned expert on everything," i.e., Ken McCalip.

His recent throw-up on your page is an example of "Trump derangement syndrome," common with liberals and Democrats. His comments are nothing new to anyone watching MSNBC, accusations without substance. He has obviously drunk their pink Kool-Aid.

There is nothing illegal about talking to the Russians; the Clintons have been doing it for years, even selling our uranium supply to them when they have the world's biggest supply already.

The national debt has not increased due to Trump; it doubled during the eight years of Obama and his Obamacare. No one has been better equipped to deal with the North Koreans than President Trump. 

President Trump's efforts to secure the border is absolutely necessary for a safe and secure America, what Obama did not do deliberately. Millions flowed in. The wall was started by President Bush and supported by Democrats. It was never completely built. Trump is trying to complete the job for our national security. There is no reason to let the world flow in.

The tariffs are a means of forcing better trade arrangements for us Americans, which Obama refused to do by giving away billions to the Iranians because they were Muslims.

The best way in the future to "Make American Great Again" is to elect Republicans and again President Trump in 2020. He is a loyal American who donates his yearly presidential stipend to charity. He has dedicated himself to helping solve our major problems and not by kissing the ring of the Muslim Saudi King as Obama did. 

There is a world of difference in these two approaches. Obama let our military go, ISIS attacked. Trump provided support, and ISIS is squashed. Our military is getting new support from the American people for these reasons. Just why should we give that up for the negative attitudes and misinformation displayed by Mr. McCalip? We are not all deranged, are we?

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